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Use Activity Log


Your account needs access to the XYZ Maps Add-on Services.

  1. Create a new space with the activity-log listener and enableUUID set to true:

    POST /spaces

    Try in your local Swagger

      "title": "Activity-Log Test",
      "enableUUID": true,
      "listeners": [
          "id": "activity-log",
          "eventTypes": [
  2. Check spaces. You will find one, as well as a new one, that has a title like: Activity log for space \<newSpaceId>

    GET /spaces

    Try in your local Swagger

        "id": "<newSpaceId>",
        "title": "Activity-Log-Test",
        "description": null,
        "enableUUID": true,
        "createdAt": 1575271893917,
        "updatedAt": 1575271897152
        "id": "<activityLogSpaceId>",
        "title": "activity-log for space <newSpaceId>",
        "description": "This is an automatically created space for the history of space __<newSpaceId>__.  \nCreated on 2019-12-02 at 07:31  \n***\nModified features will be stored in this space by their original _uuid_.  \nThe original namespace properties of XYZ Maps will be stored within the value 'original' of the namespace '@ns:com:here:xyz:log'.  \nIMPORTANT Deleting this space while activity-log is enabled, causes the absence of history.  \n***",
        "createdAt": 1575271894028,
        "updatedAt": 1575271894028,
        "searchableProperties": {
          "": true,
          "@ns:com:here:xyz:log.invalidatedAt": true,
          "@ns:com:here:xyz:log.original.updatedAt": true
  3. Post something into your newly created space:

    PUT /spaces/<newSpaceId>/features

    Try in your local Swagger

         "id": "newFeatureId",
         "type": "Feature",
         "geometry": {
           "type": "Point",
           "coordinates": [1,0]
  4. Check your activity log space:

    GET /spaces/<activityLogSpaceId>/iterate

    Try in your local Swagger

    This results in something similar to:

     "type": "FeatureCollection",
     "features": [
         "id": "<uuidOfFeature>",
         "type": "Feature",
         "properties": {
           "@ns:com:here:xyz": {
             "tags": [],
             "space": "<activityLogSpaceId>",
             "createdAt": 1575275435631,
             "updatedAt": 1575275435631
           "@ns:com:here:xyz:log": {
             "id": "newFeatureId",
             "action": "SAVE",
             "original": {
               "space": "<newSpaceId>",
               "createdAt": 1575275435508,
               "updatedAt": 1575275435508
             "invalidatedAt": 9223372036854776000
         "geometry": {
           "type": "Point",
           "coordinates": [

Search for specific feature

You can search the Activity Log for a specific feature using its original id. The id of a feature is a String, so ensure that it is quoted for the property search. This request returns an unsorted list of all revisions of the object.

GET /spaces/<activityLogSpaceId>/search?"newFeatureId"

Try in your local Swagger


  "type": "Feature",
  "id": "<uuidOfFeature>",
  "properties": {
    "@ns:com:here:xyz": {
      "tags": [],
      "space": "<activityLogSpaceId>",
      "createdAt": 1575275435631,
      "updatedAt": 1575275435631
    "@ns:com:here:xyz:log": {
      "id": "newFeatureId",
      "action": "SAVE",
      "original": {
        "space": "<newSpaceId>",
        "createdAt": 1575275435508,
        "updatedAt": 1575275435508
      "invalidatedAt": 9223372036854776000
  "geometry": {
    "type": "Point",
    "coordinates": [

Look up a specific revision of a feature

You can search for a specific revision of a feature using the uuid of the feature:

GET /spaces/<activityLogSpaceId>/features/<uuidOfFeature>

Try in your local Swagger


  "type": "Feature",
  "id": "<uuidOfFeature>",
  "geometry": {
    "type": "Point",
    "bbox": null,
    "coordinates": [
  "properties": {
    "@ns:com:here:xyz": {
      "space": "<activityLogSpaceId>",
      "createdAt": 1575275435631,
      "updatedAt": 1575275435631,
      "uuid": null,
      "puuid": null,
      "muuid": null,
      "tags": [],
      "_inputPosition": null
    "@ns:com:here:xyz:log": {
      "id": "newFeatureId",
      "action": "SAVE",
      "original": {
        "space": "<newSpaceId>",
        "createdAt": 1575275435508,
        "updatedAt": 1575275435508
      "invalidatedAt": 9223372036854776000

Activity Log for a certain point in time

You can search for a specific point in time by looking at the createdAt and invalidatedAt timestamps:

GET /spaces/<activityLogSpaceId>/search?p.@ns:com:here:xyz:log.original.updatedAt=lte=1575275435508&p.@ns:com:here:xyz:log.invalidatedAt=gt=1575275435508

Try in your local Swagger

Response body:

  "type": "FeatureCollection",
  "features": [
      "id": "<uuidOfFeature>",
      "type": "Feature",
      "properties": {
        "@ns:com:here:xyz": {
          "tags": [],
          "space": "<activityLogSpaceId>",
          "createdAt": 1575275435631,
          "updatedAt": 1575275435631
        "@ns:com:here:xyz:log": {
          "id": "newFeatureId",
          "action": "SAVE",
          "original": {
            "space": "<newSpaceId>",
            "createdAt": 1575275435508,
            "updatedAt": 1575275435508
          "invalidatedAt": 9223372036854776000
      "geometry": {
        "type": "Point",
        "coordinates": [

For further information head over to the developer guide on Activity-Log.