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Search for Features

This section describes how to search for specific features in your space on the basis of the properties. This is a powerful tool to retrieve just a specific subset of the content in your space.

Check which properties are searchable

Not all Feature properties are necessarily searchable. So before using the property search it helps to check which of the properties in your space can be searched.


XYZ Maps has a space-specific algorithm to automatically decide which of the space's properties are searchable. In case you desire other properties to be searchable, refer to the guide at "Adjust searchable properties".*

To check which of the properties in your space a search can be performed on, check the space's statistics.


Try in your local Swagger

GET /spaces/{spaceId}/statistics


    "type": "StatisticsResponse",
    "count": {
        "value": 29208,
        "estimated": true
    "byteSize": {
        "value": 108364,
        "estimated": true
    "bbox": {
        "value": [
        "estimated": true
    "geometryTypes": {
        "value": [
        "estimated": true
    "properties": {
        "value": [
                "key": "Route",
                "count": 29208,
                "searchable": false
                "key": "Route Type",
                "count": 29208,
                "searchable": true
        "estimated": true,
        "searchable": "PARTIAL"
    "tags": {
        "value": [
                "key": "PuneBusStop",
                "count": 29208

The StatisticsResponse above, shows the searchable property having the value PARTIAL. This is a global indicator which can have one of the following values:

  • NONE (No properties in your space are searchable, so no search queries can be performed)
  • PARTIAL (Some of the properties are searchable)
  • ALL (All of the properties are searchable)

In case of PARTIAL you can find the more detailed searchable boolean flags inside the value-array of the properties-map.

Search for features in the space

Using one of the API endpoints /spaces/{spaceId}/search, /spaces/{spacesId}/bbox or /spaces/{spaceId}/tile, you can retrieve a set of features in your space matching a specified query. Such a query could look like:

GET /spaces/{spaceId}/search?p.someProperty1=value1,value2

Here the prefix p. points to the feature's properties map. The resulting FeatureCollection will contain all features having value1 or value2 for the property property_name_1.

Filtering on values of the properties someProperty1 and someProperty2 a query could look like:

GET /spaces/{spaceId}/search?p.someProperty1=value1,value2&p.someProperty2<527

The available operators are:

  • "=" - equals
  • "!=" - not equals
  • ">=" or "=gte=" - greater than or equals
  • "<=" or "=lte=" - less than or equals
  • ">" or "=gt=" - greater than
  • "<" or "=lt=" - less than
  • "@>" or "=cs=" - contains

The response will contain only the features matching all conditions in the query. In case of the bounding-box or tile queries, the search is only applied to the features located in the specified area.